Travel to Peru this fall!

Travel to Peru this fall!

photo of Machu Picchu

Considered one of the most famous archaeological sites on the continent, the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu exceeds every visitor’s expectations. Set in a spectacular location in the middle of a tropical mountain forest, it is likely the most amazing urban creation of the Incan Empire.

Explore the spectacular ruins of Ollantaytambo in the beautiful Río Urubamba Valley known as the Sacred Valley, then visit the Moray archaeological site with its series of concentric agricultural terraces. Discover the ancient terraced salt ponds known as Salineras de Maras that have been used for salt extraction since pre-Inca times.

Perfect for recent graduates, including our Class of 2024!

  • Depart the U.S. on October 5 via an overnight flight to arrive in Cusco for the start of the land tour on October 6.
  • Depart Cusco on October 11 via an overnight flight to arrive in the U.S. on October 12

Learn more: View the full brochure.pdf or visit the website for details and pricing

Have questions about booking? Feel free to call AESU Travel, our tour operator, at (800) 638-7640 or email You’re also welcome to contact us at UConn Senior!

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