Welcome to our 2017 Senior Spotlight Series!
We asked the campus to submit names of outstanding UConn seniors, and we’ll be featuring one student each week.
Name: Riley Doherty
Hometown: Haddam, CT
Major: Natural Resources and the Environment
Campus Affiliations: UConn Student Alumni Association

- Why did you become a Husky?
I always wanted to be a Husky since sophomore year of high school. I loved UConn and I loved its campus. - What is one little known fact about you?
Over the summer I traveled to 6 countries in Europe by myself after studying the Roman Aqueducts in Italy. - What is your favorite UConn memory?
My favorite UConn memory was when we won basketball double national championships my freshman year! That was a wild week! - What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the UConn forest. If you haven’t hiked back there, you should. - What have you been involved in at UConn?
I’ve been involved with the Student Alumni Association for 3 years now. I’ve held a position on our E-board for 2 years and I’ve had a blast. It has taught me so much about professionalism and has made me a more responsible, motivated person. - What will you miss most about UConn?
I’m going to miss having all of my friends within a few miles of me. - What was your biggest accomplishment at UConn?
My biggest accomplishment is my amazing friend group. I struggled with a lot my first two years of college, like many people do when adjusting to college life, but I managed to meet the most amazing people. Friends for life and I am forever grateful for them. - What advice do you have for underclassmen?
Meet as many people as you possibly can and take all the opportunities presented to you! GO ABROAD, learn about other countries and become a worldly person!!! It’s very important to be aware of the rest of the world. TURN YOUR TVs OFF AND READ. - What is your post graduation plan?
As of right now, my plan is to take the GRE’s after I graduate then make my way to Alaska to WWOOF with my younger brother Paul (a freshman at UConn). In August, I hope to leave for Egypt to intern and learn Arabic for a year then come back to the U.S. and get a masters degree in Hydrology. - Anything else..?
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, Riley!