Senior Spotlight: Corpie Medor ’20

We asked the campus community to nominate seniors who are deserving of recognition, so we can showcase how much the Class of 2020 means to UConn. We’ll be posting interviews with selected seniors as our Senior Spotlight series. Enjoy. 

Meet Corpie Medor!

Photo of Corpie


When are you graduating?

Virtually in May 2020


What are you studying?

I’m majoring in Allied Health Sciences



Norwalk, CT


What on-campus activities/organizations are you involved in?

I’ve been part of Red Cross Club, was the Vice President of Women’s Legacy, and the Fundraising Coordinator for the Minority Association for Pre-Medical Students.


What’s your favorite “hidden” spot on campus?

My favorite “hidden” spot on campus was definitely one of the Oak Hall classrooms to do work with my friends.


What has your day-to-day been like since virtual classes and social distancing were introduced?

I honestly haven’t been as productive as I used to be. When on campus, I’m more productive because I’m going to class, or work, or club meetings. Being home is different because I can’t really go anywhere, but I’m still making the most of my situation by staying in contact with my friends and family.


Are there any campus traditions you missed, and any that you might want to take part in as an alum?

I missed the UCONNIC concert and being at Horsebarn Hill with my friends. Just being present on campus in general is something that I’ll miss.


If everything could go back to normal for one hour today, what would you use that time for? 

The week before spring break was a hectic week for me, and I obviously didn’t know this at the time, but I wish I could see everyone and hang out with all my friends one last time and have a proper goodbye. That has been the hardest thing for me to accept.


What are your plans for after graduation? 

I will either be doing a Post-Baccalaureate Program or a Master’s Program.


Where do you see yourself in five years? 

In five years, I see myself in Dental School working towards my DMD!


If you could thank one person for their help throughout your time at UConn, who would it be and what would you say? 

I would thank my advisor Lauren Wilson! She has had my back throughout my time at UConn, and she really helped me through a lot of hard and stressful times. I’ll really miss her. I truly do appreciate her.


What’s a piece of advice you’d like to share with the Class of 2024? 

Enjoy your time!! Even the stressful times! Embrace every moment, the good and the bad. They will shape you for the better, and I promise by the end of the four years, you’ll be a different and hopefully better version of yourself 🙂


Congratulations, Corpie!